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Saskatoon Celtic Festival & SPBA Mini Gathering

440404752 327332067124890 7636182643263913270 n For the 2nd year, the Saskatoon Celtic Festival will be putting on a great day of entertainment and fun, with piping, drumming, pipe bands, Celtic bands, Highland dancing, Scottish athletics and much more! 

The SPBA will be holding the first mini gathering of the season with solo events in the late morning and band performances in the afternoon. Pipers, drummers and bands are encouraged to enter for performance adjudication, and you are able to play any music you like and get commentary and encouragement from experienced performers and instructors.

Event entry is $10 for soloists, $25 for bands and $10 for ungraded/performance bands. ENTER HERE. Your entry fees help support the Saskatoon Celtic Festival.

More information on the Festival is available at their Facebook page. SAB FINAL LOGO CMYK 500 saskculturelogoc SKLotteries logo HOR 500