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Sons of Scotland Pipe Band

SonsofScotlandOrganized in Toronto on June 27, 1876, the Sons of Scotland Benevolent Association was a fraternal association of Scottish people, their spouses, and their descendants in Canada. Its functions were to "preserve and promote Scottish heritage and culture in Canada" by maintaining Scottish historical, literary, and musical traditions, and to promote among its members a feeling of community and comradery. Additionally, the Sons of Scotland was a fraternal benefit association; membership dues entitle members to a certain amount of insurance coverage, which can be increased according to their needs.

The Sons of Scotland was incorporated by the Province of Ontario in 1880, and by the Dominion of Canada in 1937. It was governed by a central Executive Board in Toronto called the Grand Camp, which was established in 1878 and was headed by a Grand Chief and a Grand Chieftain. 

In Regina, the Sons of Scotland, Camp Balmoral were active in the city as far back as 1896 when their Burns Dinner was reported in the Regina LeaderPost. At one point, members of various local pipe bands who were also Sons of Scotland members formed a pipe band that could perform specifically at SOS functions and in public on behalf of the Sons of Scotland. The band is no longer active, and when the national organization folded, the local Camp Balmoral became the Scottish Heritage Society of Regina. 

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Performing at the Scottish Pavilion, Mosaic Festival.

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At the Sask Legislature, Tartan Day, 2006

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Playing on 12th Ave in Regina. [L-R] Donald Felstrom, Graham Bradley, Dave Houston.



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